Finding and Communicating Inspiration

Next week, we’ll be running a workshop for lecturers at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology called Finding and Communicating your Inspiration. We’re going to be working with members of academic staff across the university, exploring how storytelling can be used to more effectively communciate academic research. We’ve worked with a lot of academics in the past, both in groups and also through one-on-one mentoring. And one of the things we’re particularly proud of is how some of the projects that we’ve worked on have led to published, and critically-acclaimed, books.

As in all our work, the main question for us is always: what do you want to say? Writing is, first and foremost, about communication. And for researchers who want to get the word out about the important work they’re doing, communication is key. So in our workshop, we’ll be encouraging the writers and scholars we are working with to dive more deeply into the things that obsess them and the things they care about, and to think about how to communicate this as directly, effectively, and humanly as possible.

As writers who sometimes find ourselves writing outside the academic world, sometimes on the borders, and sometimes within the academy, we love projects that cross over between the academic world, and the wider world of readers and thinkers. And it’s always exciting to work with writers and scholars, helping them more effectively communicate the things that matter to them — and that matter to us all.

Image: Paul Klee, Schicksalstunde um Dreiviertel (1922), public domain via Wikimedia Commons.