Wansha Philosophy Salon

A Bilingual Public Philosophy Salon in Tainan

Wansha Philosophy Salon


  • Project date: 2024
  • Project location: Tainan, Taiwan
  • Project partners: Wansha Performing Arts Centre | 涴莎藝術展演中心


Throughout 2024, we are running a public philosophy salon at the Wansha Performing Arts Centre. We meet every month on a Saturday afternoon to talk about philosophy and daily life in English and Chinese.

Embark on a journey to explore the world’s philosophical traditions, discover the insights of philosophers and discuss life’s deepest and most enduring problems! The Wansha / Wind&Bones philosophy salon creates a space for shared discussion, delving into the insights of philosophers to understand how philosophy can help us live wiser and happier lives.

This philosophy salon series is co-hosted by the Wansha Performing Arts Center (Taiwan) and Wind&Bones (UK) and meets once a month for ten consecutive months to explore ten topics, hosted by Wind&Bones’s very own Dr. Will Buckingham (Bai Zhongxiu 白忠修). It’s 100% free to attend.

Wansha Philosophy Salon

Everyone is a philosopher! Here’s the list of our topics!


  • 20 January 2024 (六) 哲學與音樂 Philosophy and music
  • 24 February 2024 (六) 快樂是什麼? What is happiness?
  • 23 March 2024 (六) 友誼的藝術 The art of friendship
  • 20 April 2024 (六) 人性,善或惡? Human nature, good or bad?
  • 18 May 2024 (六) 與陌生人的煩腦 The trouble with strangers
  • 15 June 2024 (六) 愛與智慧 Love and wisdom
  • 20 July 2024 (六) 步行的哲學 The philosophy of walking
  • 21 September 2024 (六) 藝術是什麼? What is art?
  • 12 October 2024 (六) 哲學和環境 Philosophy and the environment
  • November 2024 (date to be confirmed) (六) 儀式與舞蹈 Ritual and dance

Note: there’s no salon in August!

If you want to come along, contact Wansha on Facebook at the following link: Wansha Performing Arts Centre