
10 Posts
Writing Residency at the Taiwan Literature Base

Writing Residency at the Taiwan Literature Base

Two weeks in Taipei

Writing and Social Change at Taitung University

Writing and Social Change at Taitung University

A lecture and workshop for students

Lecture at NCKU, Tainan

Lecture at NCKU, Tainan

Talking about writing and social change

Field Notes in Taipei

Field Notes in Taipei

Ethnography, writing and Myanmar / Taiwan exchanges

Hot Chocolate - False Perceptions, True Stories

Hot Chocolate - False Perceptions, True Stories

Working with Young people in the city of Dundee, telling true stories and countering false perceptions.

Waterford Food Manifesto

Waterford Food Manifesto

The Food Manifesto from Waterford Bioregion is now on YouTube.

At the National Gallery, Sofia

At the National Gallery, Sofia

See the work from our Awakening Between the Lines project at Bulgaria's National Gallery

Stories Galore At the Dandelion Festival

Stories Galore At the Dandelion Festival

We're just back from the Dandelion Festival in Glasgow, and we've been harvesting stories!

The Stories that Make Us - Working With Women Survivors

The Stories that Make Us - Working With Women Survivors

A new project with the Emprove Foundation, working with women survivors of domestic abuse.

Education in Post-Coup Myanmar

Education in Post-Coup Myanmar

A new project working on education in Post-Coup Myanmar